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Akkermansia Muciniphila

Ingredients Breakdown Per Capsule

Here, we will conduct a thorough breakdown of the ingredients panel, dissecting the components listed to provide you with a clear understanding of what goes into each Akkermansia Muciniphila capsule.

Akkermansia Muciniphila

Akkermansia Muciniphila, sourced from premium, non-GMO strains, is a finely milled, light beige powder rich in 1 Billion AFU* per gram. This potent probiotic ingredient is renowned for fortifying the gut lining, aiding in metabolic processes, and exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties. With its neutral flavor profile and versatile integration capabilities, it seamlessly enhances the nutritional value of capsules, powders, and functional foods.

*Active Fluorescent Units (AFU) represent the measure of live and metabolically active probiotic microorganisms in a product. This value indicates the potency and viability of the probiotic strain.

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I've struggled with gut issues for years, but after incorporating NTRL Health Co's Akkermansia Muciniphila into my routine, I've noticed a significant improvement. My digestion feels more balanced, and I have more energy. This product has become a staple in my daily regimen!

Lisa H.

As someone who's always been conscious about maintaining a healthy gut, I was excited to try Akkermansia. After a few weeks, I can say it's made a positive difference. My digestion feels smoother, and I've noticed reduced bloating.

James P.

I've been searching for a high-quality Akkermansia supplement for a while, and I'm thrilled to have found this one! The purity of the product is evident, It's become a non-negotiable part of my gut health routine.

Leslie R.

I started taking Akkermansia as part of my weight management journey. Alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise, I've noticed a more consistent and efficient metabolism. I feel more in control of my weight, and my energy levels have been steady throughout the day.

David S.

After some research, I decided to give NTRL Health Co's Akkermansia Muciniphila a try. It's been a game-changer for my digestive system. I no longer experience the discomfort and irregularities I used to. I'm genuinely impressed with the results and will continue using this product.

Jennifer M.

My gut feels more balanced, and I've noticed a significant decrease in digestive discomfort. This product has become my go-to for maintaining optimal gut health. I'm genuinely impressed with the positive impact it's had on my overall well-being.

Michael L.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Corey Logan
No More Digestion PAIN!!!!

I cant believe this actually worked, i have suffered with digestion pain for years and have never found a way to help. After finding out about Akkermansia i quickly came across ntrl health co. Fantastic product and company.