Why you should chose pasteurized akkermansia over live akkermansia supplements:

Why you should chose pasteurized akkermansia over live akkermansia supplements:

The Live vs. Pasteurized Debate

Traditionally, probiotic supplements have primarily consisted of live bacteria cultures. However, recent research has shed light on potential drawbacks of this approach. When ingesting live bacteria, there are several challenges they must overcome to reach the gut alive and viable. Factors such as stomach acid, bile salts, and the competitive environment within the gut itself can significantly reduce the survival rate of live probiotics.

Pasteurization, on the other hand, involves heat treatment to kill potentially harmful bacteria while preserving the beneficial ones. This process effectively renders the bacteria inactive while maintaining their structural integrity and bioactivity. While pasteurization has been criticized for potentially diminishing the efficacy of probiotics, recent studies suggest otherwise when it comes to Akkermansia.

The Benefits of Pasteurized Akkermansia

Enhanced Stability: Pasteurized Akkermansia is more resilient than its live counterpart. It can withstand harsh conditions during storage and transit, ensuring a higher likelihood of reaching the gut in an intact and functional state.

Safety Assurance: Pasteurization eliminates the risk of ingesting harmful pathogens along with the beneficial bacteria. This is especially crucial for individuals with compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions.

Consistent Dosage: With pasteurized Akkermansia supplements, you can be confident in the dosage you're consuming. Live bacteria counts can vary significantly from batch to batch due to factors like storage conditions and shelf life, making it challenging to achieve consistent results.

Longer Shelf Life: Pasteurized Akkermansia has a longer shelf life compared to live cultures. This means you can stock up on your supplements without worrying about them losing potency before you finish the bottle.

Efficacy: Research suggests that pasteurized Akkermansia may offer comparable or even superior health benefits compared to live cultures. One study published in the journal Nature Medicine found that pasteurized Akkermansia improved metabolic health and reduced markers of inflammation in mice, with results comparable to live Akkermansia.


While live probiotics have long been the go-to option for gut health supplementation, the case for pasteurized Akkermansia is compelling. Its enhanced stability, safety assurance, consistent dosage, longer shelf life, and comparable efficacy make it a smarter choice for those looking to reap the benefits of this remarkable bacterium.

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